Monday, October 13, 2008

Halloween mania at Eolande!

Lucky chairs, lucky fortunes, apple bobbing, gift filled pumpkins, lucky lanterns...need I say more?!
The Eolande jewelry and hair accessories store is decked out in all sorts of Halloween awesomeness for you to grab! Here are the gifties that will be yours if you get lucky (hard to imagine how you won't though! :D )

This super cute dead bunneh set is a Halloween must have! The set includes teensy earrings, a necklace, bracelet and belt. If you're sick of all the orange, it comes in purple too.

Something a little more gothy comes in the form of these absolutely exquisite cross bracelets. They come in different colors (from top left): Gunmetal, Aurora Borealis, Silver and Gold.

Your luck at Eolande doesn't end there, add the store to your picks and join the Picks Rewards Program by clicking the subscribe-o-matic at the entrance of the store. You will recieve two lovely gifts, one of which is this awesome bat necklace, and many more gifts in the future as well!

Teleport to Eolande Mainstore

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